(Wednesday 12 June 2013)


Residents opposing plans by a south Wales firm to test drill for gas on a greenfield site near the village of Llantrithyd are to meet with Jane Hutt, Assembly Member for the Vale of Glamorgan.

At a public meeting last month more than 60 local residents demonstrated their opposition to plans by Bridgend-based Coastal Oil & Gas Ltd to drill a 1,000m borehole on agricultural land on the Bonvilston to Llancadle road.

The firm’s application to drill in a field just metres away from the Llantrithyd Conservation Area is one of a number to be considered by planners at the Vale council.

Ms Hutt, who has already offered her support to the campaign, will join members of the local community in viewing the site on Saturday morning from neighbouring land.

“This is an inappropriate location to sink a test borehole,” said a spokesperson for the community.

“It is a quiet rural area which for centuries has been used for agricultural purposes.

“The proposed drilling site lies at the heart of a stretch of countryside that is home to many protected species of wildlife and flora of special conservation concern.

“Drilling here would disrupt the peace of the countryside that is also enjoyed by local residents, none of whom were consulted by Coastal Oil & Gas Ltd or the joint landowners beforehand.

“We are urging the Vale of Glamorgan’s planning officers and members of the council’s planning committee to turn down this application.”

Press and media are cordially invited to attend the site viewing at 09:00 on Saturday 15 June 2013, meeting at The East Barn, Caemaen Farm, Llantrithyd, Vale of Glamorgan.

For further information: please contact Rhodri on 07760 330098.

Issued by Llantrithyd Villagers Against Drilling


Twitter: @llantrithyd