
Weekly News Round Up – 01/07/14

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Allow fracking in national parks, says Environment Agency chief

Outgoing EA’s chairman dismisses campaigners’ claims over impact

Government changes the system for offering energy companies oil and gas exploration rights

Larger chunks to be licensed to entice fracking companies to invest

Labour to Support the Government to allow fracking under homes without house owners permission

Wales Against Fracking Day

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Wales Against Fracking Day

July 5th 2014

Dear All,
Friends of the Earth (FotE) are holding a ‘Wales Against Fracking Day’ on Saturday 5th July at around 20 locations throughout Wales.  We would very much like to be a part of it, with a presence in Cowbridge High Street.
The focus of the campaign is to encourage people to send postcards (supplied by FotE) showing their opposition to fracking to the First Minister of Wales – Carwyn Jones.
Please could you put the date in your diaries (10.30-12.30) and let us know if you can be there to support it.
Please contact Sian Elin Jones on 07929 886271
We need strength in numbers – standing with us is all we ask.
It’s important.

Thank you

Weekly News Round Up – 18/06/14

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Fracking should not go ahead at the expense of the environment – MP’s warn

Welsh Affairs Committee

Select Committee Announcement



In a report published today, Monday 16th June the Welsh Affairs Committee says shale gas represents an opportunity for Wales but that it must not come at the expense of Wales’s natural environment.  Both the UK and Welsh Governments must consider environmental risks, including the traffic and noise caused by commercial shale gas operations as well as the visual impact and other environmental risks associated with fracking.

The Government forecasts that nearly 70% of the UK’s gas supply will be imported by 2025. It isvital that the UK identifies new sources of gas if it is to safeguard the UK’s security of supply.

Shale gas production across the UK is currently at the exploratory stage and there is no good data yet on the amount of shale gas in Wales.  Should considerable reserves of shale gas be present—as industry representatives predict—it could be a decade before a viable shale gas industry is created in Wales.

The Committee’s key conclusions and recommendations are:

  • The UK Government and the Welsh Government should work with commercial companies and others to provide a reliable range of estimates of shale gas available in Wales. This should be published by the end of 2014.
  • Both the UK and Welsh Government should assess the overall impact of shale gas supply on the level and mix of energy produced in Wales and the UK.
  • The Welsh Government should begin now to consider how the employment opportunities presented by shale gas production could be maximised. This should include a detailed examination of the skills required by the industry and the extent that Wales already has people with those skills.
  • The UK Government must provide further information about how local communities in Wales will benefit, financially or otherwise, from shale gas operations in their area.
  • Both the UK Government and the Welsh Government must ensure that the regulatory and planning framework gives due weight to the traffic and noise caused by commercial shale gas operations, in addition to the visual impact and other environmental risks associated with fracking.

·  The issue of treatment, transportation and disposal of wastewater is a growing concern: toxic and radioactive water must not be allowed to contaminate water courses.

·   The Government should consider the case for minimising ground-level shale gas operations in sensitive areas in Wales, such as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and National Parks. It must set out how it would ensure that development does not compromise designated sites, in particular those in environmentally sensitive areas.

  • Commercial companies should pay for an independent Environmental Impact Assessment at the exploratory stage of any significant shale gas development.

David Davies MP, Chair of the Committee, said:

“Shale gas offers a wealth of potential benefits for Wales, in terms of energy supply, economic benefits and employment. We know there is some environmental risk: the UK and Welsh Governments must demonstrate that everything has been done to assess and mitigate that risk – both to the environment and Welsh people’s enjoyment of it – before we move forward and maximise the benefits for Wales.”


Investing in Fracking is ‘high risk’

British citizens are being used as fracking guinea pigs – Dame Vivienne Westwood

Weekly News Round Up – 03/06/14

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Lets Talk About Fracking

A major new campaign has been kicked off under the banner “we need to talk about fracking” with over 150 celebrities, scientists, and campaign groups endorsing calls for a fundamental rethink of the government’s shale gas strategy.

David Cameron Faces Tory Backlash Over Fracking Set For Southern England

Warns Lord Howell – yes that’s the same peer who said that fracking should take place in the ‘desolate’ north.

Search for shale gas heads east as IGas plans fracking in East Midlands

Funded by French companies – where fracking is banned naturally

Weekly News Round Up – 27/05/14

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Fracking groups vow ‘fracking bribe will be opposed’

‘Fracking zeal overshadows perfect energy solution’

Govt unveil plan to allow fracking under homes without owner consent and release report on oil in Southern England

Opponents accuse government of trying to bury the news by releasing details on the same day as local elections take place.

Weekly News Round Up – 12/05/14

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‘Two thirds of UK Could be Opened Up for Fracking’ – Ministers set to announce

National parks, urban commons and cities across the UK are to be opened up for fracking

First British shale gas ‘to fuel homes next year’

Cuadrilla Chief suggests that homeowners hostile to fracking beneath their homes should only be entitled to minimal compensation – if any.

The closer you live to a fracking site the greater the health risks – Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy
