Health Implications of Fracking – The Lancet
Dart test site raises fears of pollution – Sunday Times
Respected geologist warns of potentially serious environmental damage (Subscription required)
Fracking Events coming up..courtesy No Dash For Gas
Asian Dub Foundation, anti-fracking benefit gig
12 March, Vauxhall, London
The legendary Asian Dub Foundation and some very special guests have promised us a great night next week! Come along for some top-quality tunes, with all money raised going toward anti-fracking campaigning.
Film night
19 March, Aldbrough (nr Hull)
Join Hull and East Yorkshire Frack Free for a film night and discussion.
More details on the link below or email
Fracked Future Carnival
19 March, central London
On 19 March, the CEOs of IGas, Cuadrilla and various government officials are attending the Shale Gas Forum to plot new ways to bring fracking to the UK. Meet outside Knightsbridge station in London at 12:30 and help tell them that we won’t accept their plans. On the day there’ll be speeches from our friends at 1 Million Climate Jobs, Fuel Poverty Action, and Residents Action on Fylde Fracking. We’re also pleased to hear that Vivienne Westwood and Josie Long are planning to attend and say a few words too.
Join the event on Facebook:
Mums Against Fracking
30 March, London
Mums and children from across the country will deliver a petition to 10 Downing Street, stating why the UK doesn’t need fracking. More details on Facebook: