Fracking Photojournalism
The Truth Behind the Dash For Gas 2014
A letter from Friends of the Earth Cymru – Anti Fracking Campaign in 2014
As you might be aware FOE and FOE Cymru have been campaigning against Fracking for a while now.
And for those of you who have been around for a few years, you may remember that we used to have a Wales-wide day of action every year on a specific issue.
We thought it was time to reinstate this tradition and to start the ball rolling we thought we would do it around Fracking in Wales.
Devolution gives us a good political opportunity at the Welsh Assembly level on this issue and we are calling for a complete moratorium on new unconventional gas extraction in Wales (i.e Fracking, Underground Coal Gasification etc)
So, we have pencilled in a date of Saturday 5th July as the day of action date
The day of action will be designed to support our wider anti-fracking campaign asks.
We are also going to be organising a series of Fracking training sessions prior to the day of action just so everyone knows all about the issues, what we are calling for and what the day of action will involve. We are currently drawing up a plan for the day of action and you are more than welcome to put forward any ideas you may have for the day of action itself.
We are working with Kelvin Mason to organise this day of action and the training events. You will be hearing directly from Kelvin about arrangements. For those of you who came to our annual conference last year, you will have heard Kelvin talking about the future of environmental activism in Wales. As a taster and so you can see what Kelvin has been up to in the past I’ve included a link below to an article he wrote for Click on Wales
Kelvin’s email address is
I do hope you will be able to support our day of action in the summer. It is a tremendously important issue and one where we have a really good opportunity to influence the Welsh Government